Fashion Law
Creating a brand that's unique is essential but ensuring that it's identity is designed & managed to withstand copycat competitors is a strategic necessity. This includes being aware of trademark law in various venues & marketplaces, globally and right in your own backyard. Hiring a fashion law director who interfaces with legal can help ensure your brand remains your most valued asset.

Company Profile and Work in Progress
Bill’s experience as a C-level business executive complements his academic background and has led to his being designated as a Subject Matter Expert, writing expert opinion reports for global conglomerates in trademark infringement cases, including reports for Adidas, Gucci and others. As a complement to this, he has participated in forums and has spoken at Fordham University’s Fashion Law Institute.
His writings in this regard include weaving brand and business strategies together as in Deana Clark-Esposito’s book on Fashion Law, "A Practical Guide to Fashion Law and Compliance” a must-have reference work providing fashion managers, and their in-house legal counsels with a comprehensive volume of key issues on Fashion Law. Here, Bill wrote a key section on “Brand Management & Licensing Strategies.
"Courts and trademark litigation are slippery slopes; thinking of litigation as a primary strategy is a mistake; at best is a necessity of last resort."
Bill D'Arienzo
Founder and CEO
WDA Strategic Brand Marketing

Recent Work
Evaluate Your Fashion Law Strategy
For an in-depth and current view of his work and his analysis, please feel free to download this piece on Greenwashing & his commentary on strategies in these 2023 fashion cases:
H & M, Nike, Allbirds & Canada
Here's a quick & easy way to "take yourself to grad school" without the tuition!
Prepared by WDA Strategic Brand Marketing