Brand Creation
We now compete in a digital, web driven, marketplace, where the barriers to entry are low & the likelihood of competitors emerging are high. Having a unique & readily recalled & remembered brand identity is an absolute essential for gaining attention and retaining the engagement of your targeted customer. Build your brand & you'll build your business.

Company Profile and Work in Progress
WDA serves as Brand Strategy Advisor to Truuli Environmental Inc. an Integrated De-carbonization Solutions provider start-up to all industries wherein Bill created the current website brand persona, mission, vision and all unique brand imaging and identifiers. Included are a thematic and dramatic CEO letter on “Why Choose Truuli” and on the virtues of “Trust” for business development.
Bill often presents solutions strategies for various global venues including brand strategies for enhancing ESG & Luxury brands developed and presented in global MBA programs such as the International School of Management, Paris France at St. John’s University where he created and taught "Global Consumer Cultural Values Impacting Sustainability" and the Global Fashion Management Master’s degree at FIT, wherein, in 2022, he presented his thoughts on How Luxury Brand Strategies Can Lead Sustainability.
”A great product is necessary but not sufficient for business success; in our fiercely competitive global, digital marketplace, Brands are the differentiator between marginal and maximum success!"
Bill D'Arienzo
Founder and CEO
WDA Strategic Brand Marketing

Recent Presentation
Evaluate Your Brand
A 3-part series prepared exclusively for:
The University of North Carolina @ Greensboro
The Department of Consumer, Apparel & Retail Studies
Bryan School of Business & Economics
March/April 2022
Here's a quick & easy way to "take yourself to grad school" without the tuition!
Prepared by WDA Strategic Brand Marketing